Pavilion Project

Project Presentations

6/11/2024: Project Renderings Presentation

5/14/2024: Project Renderings Presentation

4/18/2024: Project Renderings Presentation

3/16/2023: Open House Renderings

3/1/2023: Project Concept and Renderings


Printable FAQ

Why is a new Pavilion needed?

Is the Pavilion on the National Register of Historic Places?

What size is the proposed new Pavilion?

Is this the final design for the Pavilion?

What are the planned City Park Improvements?

What is the estimated cost of the Pavilion and City Park Improvements?

Why use a sales tax to fund the new Pavilion and City Park improvements?

How much is the proposed sales tax?

How long would the sales tax last?

Can the proposed sales tax be used for any other project?

What items would be subject to the sales tax?

How would the sales tax be collected?

What is the process for approving a local option sales tax?

When would construction begin on the new Pavilion?

What happens if the referendum does not pass?