Floyd Lake Water and Sewer Extension Project
The City of Detroit Lakes held an Information Meeting on August 27th to discuss the possibility of extending municipal water and sewer service to an area along the south side of Floyd Lake (see map below). The meeting was well attended and included information from Becker County regarding the status of upcoming septic tank inspections and the impact it may have on existing systems. Understanding that the County will be conducting septic inspections within the next couple of years, the City was contacted about the feasibility of extending services if so needed or requested. The County is currently holding off on inspections pending the outcome of these discussions.
The City is better positioned to provide services to the area south of Floyd Lake than in the past. Existing water and sewer services are currently available along North Tower Road. Extension of municipal services would likely occur in phases. The phased construction would coincide with phased annexation of the new service areas into the City. The infrastructure improvements, including any potential street rehabilitation, would be paid through special assessments charged to the benefiting properties. These special assessments are typically paid back on a 20-year term. Once utilities are installed, property owners are typically required to connect once the existing septic system is 10 years old or fails, whichever occurs first.
The consensus of the Information Meeting was to conduct a survey to gauge the interest of property owners. To move the discussion forward, a preliminary engineering study will be needed to determine the feasibility of potential layouts and designs and their related costs. The results of the survey will be helpful in determining whether or not the City should proceed with the engineering analysis.
Please complete the survey linked to the right.