City Licenses:
The items listed are required to obtain a permit/license in the City of Detroit Lakes, please click the button to the right to apply: Chickens, Commercial Yard Waste, Docks, Excavate, Fertilizer, Fireworks, Massage Business, Massage Therapist, Parade, Pawnbrokers, Pet, Rental (both long term and short term), Right of Way (both excavation and obstruction), Special Events, Solid Waste Hauling, Taxi, Transient Merchants (food trucks, solicitors, hawkers, peddlers), Temporary Expansion, and Tobacco.
By submitting the application for a license/permit, the applicant agrees that the applicant will pay the reasonable civil enforcement costs, disbursements and attorney fees incurred by the City in enforcing the provisions of any license, variance or permit granted by the City, and the costs, disbursements and attorney fees incurred by the City in any civil action by the City to address any violation of any license, variance or permit granted by the City.
For the Items listed below, please select the item to apply
Building |
Planning & Zoning: |
Building Permit | Land Disturbance Permit |
Fireplace Permit - Residential Only | Lot Division Request |
Furnace Permit - Residential Only | Percolation Test |
Roofing Permit - Residential Only | Petition for Annexation |
Siding Permit - Residential Only | Petition for Improvements and Preparation of Preliminary Engineering Report |
Water Heater Permit - Residential Only | Reasonable Accommodation Request |
Windows & Doors Permit Application - Residential Only | Shoreland Mitigation Permit Application |
Vacation of Street, Alley or Easement Application |