
By submitting the application, the applicant agrees that the applicant will pay the reasonable civil enforcement costs, disbursements and attorney fees incurred by the City in enforcing the provisions of any license, variance or permit granted by the City, and the costs, disbursements and attorney fees incurred by the City in any civil action by the City to address any violation of any license, variance or permit granted by the City.  

Chicken Permit Commercial Yard Waste Dock
Excavation License - Annual Excavation Right of Way Permit - Per Job Fertilizer
Fireworks - Display Fireworks - Retail Liquor - Contact the City Office
Massage Business Massage Therapist Obstruction Permit - Right of Way
Parade Pawnbroker Pet

Public Gathering

Rental Registration

Short Term Rentals - Guest Disclosure Solid Waste Hauler Special Event
Taxi  Temporary Expansion Tobacco
  Transient Merchant