Greater Sucker Creek


The mission of the board of Detroit Lakes, Minnesota’s Greater Sucker Creek is to restore, preserve and maintain the native biodiversity of the Preserve and Upstream Sucker Creek for the education and enjoyment of all visitors.


Visitors are especially invited to this gem of northwest Minnesota parks, Greater Sucker Creek, 117 acres of natural woods and prairie, nurturing and boasting native biodiversity.


Greater Sucker Creek is its own 2-parcel mini-watershed leading from mineral springs in Upstream, along the creek in the Preserve to the mouth of Sucker Creek a short distance away at the south shore of Big Detroit Lake.  Accessible paths, unimproved trails, marshwalks, designated trout stream, amphitheater and interpretive signs blend for restful nature learning.


Special natural features include native plant communities in wetlands, uplands and lowlands.  Observant visitors may catch a glimpse of wildlife:  fish, birds, amphibians, mammals, fungi and insects.


Always eager to share the gifts of its parks, the City of Detroit Lakes has launched a City-School Partnership to offer schools assistance for Greater Sucker Creek field trips. 




Located within the City at the southeast side of Detroit Lakes just off U. S. Highway 10, turn south on 290th Avenue, go 3/10 mile for the Preserve circular parking lot to the west.  Go an additional 4/10 mile for the Upstream circular parking lot to the east.



Donations to the Preserve are being accepted by the City of Detroit Lakes. Tax deductible contributions are to be made out to Greater Sucker Creek and mailed to City of Detroit Lakes, P.O. Box 647, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota 56502.


For more information contact Sally Hausken 218-847-8032.


“Everything we eat, drink, wear or live in comes from the Earth.   When we protect nature, we protect ourselves.”
—Sally Hausken